Great hopes make Great men....

Great hopes make Great men....

Fact is that nobody is born great.Hope is the best way to live life.Thinking is the only thing which judges ability.The best thing is to adapt optimism.Very good lesson to learn.This comment of mine is now the worship of The Ganges with its water.

hope is what wa have to live on from one day to the next.....I thought you did a wonderful job with this piece....thank you so much for sharing with us.

The true identification of a being Is his mentality,
His thinking is the only thing which Judges his ability,
The best thing is to adapt optimism,
And then person takes positive even his criticism
Greatness comes from one's thoughts,
And he everybody equally,forgetting the slots
We all know life is full of obstacles,
Every moment we have simplify lot of curls
With hope life become much more easy,
The person feels fine,even if he feels sneezy
Everyone can write his destiny , if determined,
If one is strong nothing can shake him not even fast blowing wind
Fact is that nobody is born great,
It is only thinking which is being appreciate
So remain calm and leave your anger,
Put your pessimism outside the room on the hanger
Because hope is the best way to live life,
Which cuts our troubles and worries with sharp knife.....

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