Inspiration is the Master Key of Life

Inspiration is the Master Key of Life

We all find Inspiration in many ways. Whether it is from others, nature, travel… it surrounds us every single moment of our waking hours. But how to stay inspired?- sometimes I find that hard! I am inspired for a moment, but prolonging that inspiration takes some practice.
Always keep your eyes open, at all times, stay present whenever possible, and allow yourself to breathe in that inspiration.
Inspiration isn’t just a one-time thing. You’ll need it on a regular basis.

When you practice the above — keeping your eyes open, staying present, and breathing in inspiration — you get better at it. It becomes a skill ( it is important to look at it as a skill, as it is something you have to practice) you can use at any time, and you’ll use it often.
Some tips for keeping the inspiration coming:
§  Work with inspired people – one of the best ways to stay inspired is to work with creative, energetic, positive people.
§  Read daily – varied things, from blogs to magazines to books of all kinds.
§  Get outside – nature is one of the biggest inspirations, and you’ll miss it if you’re inside all day. What is better then fresh air in the early morning, a brisk evening walk at sundown… pure bliss to me.
§  Talk with new people – they’ll always expose you to new and interesting things, if you’re open to it.
§  Break out of your routine (this is huge for me as I can be a natural creature of habit!) – see things from a different perspective. Take a new route home. Go to a new restaurant. Visit someplace new in your area.
§  Find time for silence – it’s more inspiring than you might think. Unfortunately, not enough of us do it, and it can feel lonely at times (this is especially difficult for us living in NYC)
§  Exercise – or at least get moving. It helps the blood to circulate, and gets ideas moving around. Some of my most inspired thoughts come when I am walking around the city.
§  Don’t just feel inspired. Take this inspiration and use it, be moved, and do something. Channel that inspiration into creating something amazing.
§  Put that something out into the world, and in turn, you will inspire others.
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” ~Vincent van Gogh

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