To Succeed in Life, you need Three things: a Wishbone, a Backbone and a Funny Bone.

To Succeed in Life, you Need Three things : 

A  Wishbone, A Backbone and A Funny Bone.

The  Meaning  of  Quote :
This is a neat quote about achieving success in life, and who does n’t want some of that in their life? The quote cites three things that are needed to achieve that success.
It cites the need for a wish bone. I take that to mean that you need to have a wish, a want,  a need, a dream, something to provide motivation and a goal for you to strive towards.
It cites the need for a backbone. I take that to mean that you need to have some gumption, some fortitude, some stick-to-it-ness, something to keep you going when things get tough, and the toughness to stand your ground in the face of opposition.
It cites the need for a funny bone. I take that to mean that you need to have a sense of humor, a willingness to look for the silver lining in every dark cloud, something to keep a smile on your face when you want to run, hide, or cry.
Why are these bones important?  
I won’t make any bones about it, the bones mentioned in the quote is n’t about the human anatomy (at least not in the biological sense). However, I believe that they are vitally necessary if you are going to have a successful and dynamic life.
These bones, and many other attributes, help keep us from faltering, or help us get back up if we fall. Life will throw a lot at us, and we need to be prepared for nearly anything.
This grouping of bones help to provide a framework for moving ourselves forward through the difficult times. They also help keep us hopeful, keep us steadfast in our pursuits, and keep us smiling all the way to the very end of our journey.
Where can we apply this in our life?
I guess the opposite could just as easily. When would be a bad time to have a wishbone, a wish, a want, a need, a dream, or something to provide motivation and a goal towards which you could strive?
When would be a bad time to have a backbone, to have some gumption, some fortitude, some stick-to-it-ness, something to keep you going when things get tough, and the toughness to stand your ground in the face of opposition.
When would be a bad time to have a funny bone, to have a sense of humor, a willingness to look for the silver lining in every dark cloud, something to keep a smile on your face when you want to run, hide, or cry.
While there are times when a specific situation might call for some restraint or decorum, in general, these traits are a big part of being human. While we may have differing opinions as to the best blend of these bones, there are few who would drop any one of them as completely irrelevant.
Let’s examine our lives and try to see how we are doing with respect to the bones mentioned in today’s quote. Overall, how are you doing, are you using each of the bones, when appropriate, in what you feel is a proper proportion? Or do you feel a need to improve one or more of them? Or do you feel a need to cut back a little on one or more of them?
This is another of the many “Golden Mean” paths, neither too much nor too little, but just right. But that’s a personal decision. For a lawyer in a court room, it might be appropriate to cut back a little on the funny bone. A circus clown might need all the funny bone they can muster. A rodeo clown may need all the backbone they can muster, especially if the bull decides to turn your direction.
What can you do to either build your wishbone? Your dreams, your wants, or your motivations? What if you spend too much time thinking of those things, and not enough time focused on that which is in front of you? It might be worth a little thought, some planning, just in case you ever need it, right?
What about your backbone and funny bone? Do you ever have too much or too little? Do you have any thoughts or ideas how to pump it up or tone it down, as the situation demands? Like the wishbone, it might be worth a little thought, some planning, just in case you ever need it.
Success is a recipe, and one that must be spiced to the taste of each chef. If you aren’t getting the level of success you had hoped to achieve, you might want to change up the recipe a little and see what you get.

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