Life is Good as well as Bad

Life is Good as well as Bad

In the journey of life, it is unavoidable that there are times of high tides and low tides. Now and then, there are happy times; now and then, there are sad times; now and then, there are lonely times. We fall and we bleed. We must soothe and treat our wounds. As we often encounter undesirable matters, how would we subdue these undesirable circumstances within the undesirable? Do not allow our seeds to turn bad and bear bad fruits. Goodness and evil, one is Heaven and one is Hell. If the heart is evil, all actions will be evil. If the heart is enlightened, then one will tell the Truth. All actions mean more than words. Let your actions be all good.
The compassion from the above is like parents' feeling towards their children. They love their children more than anything else. If their children are to take the wrong road and do nothing but evil deeds, what do you think the parents will do? Their hearts will then feel painful, as if it has been stabbed by a knife, but in order to help the children, punishment must be given. If you punish one child, the second and the third will then take heed. If parents do not punish their children, who do you think will punish them? Natural disasters, calamities and finally the final catastrophe. Why do they have to take place and what are their purpose? To stop the sin of human from never ending cycle of killing. It is better for Heaven to send down calamities to end the bad karma than sending humans to kill humans in the thousands and millions.
The question often asks by human; why are there evils on earth? The answer is where there is sky, there is land. Being short one realizes what tall means. All things must have opposites. Where "Yang" is seen, one will find "Yin". With goodness, there is evil. By understanding well what is bad, one will keep away from it. With evil, the path is then complete. For if evil is not sighted, then one may not see the Truth or Tao.
Why do man realize his wrongs and yet still repeat them? Everyday man eats and he will continue to do so until death. The human world is filled with temptations. Although a wrong is made, man may be so blinded by the dust that he may not be able to see. Attachment is the main weakness of man. It may be difficult for a person to remedy the mistake if his feelings and disires for attachment grow and he does not know how to detach and let go. The wrong may be merely temptations that pull him away from the path and start doing right. Stillness and awakening to the realization of life, may help one to see things in a better form. It may help man to turn back and realize the Truth about life, and why one has to be good instead of bad.
The good may be poor and the bad may be rich. What is actually poor and what is actually rich? The poor may be poor in terms of money and wealth but their knowledge is abundant. A person who has a hundred thousand dollars may still find a day or two to serve the people but a millionaire may not have the time to even go to the toilet or to eat. Poor but not without good food and sleep, rich but may not have good food and sleep. Simple but happy, so why worry about rich or poor.
The civilization of human beings can save people, but it can harm people too. Some people use it to do good, it is fine. If it is used to do evils and wrongs, it would harm everybody. Nowadays, there are people fighting for their religions and causing religious conflicts. Religions are meant to be good and not bad. Misused it, the world will not be at peace; is the world at peace? Good and Bad come from the same place. Follow the steps of the Sages and Saints and may there be peace on earth.

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