How to Not Care What People Think

Dont Think about what People say about You Its relection of them 

If you're one of those people who constantly worries what others think of you, this small note may help you get off in the right direction, reversing those unpleasant thoughts. No matter what it is that you obsess about — looking good for complete strangers, listening to rumors, getting into a negative cycle — this article should help let you begin to turn your life around.

Stop over-thinking. Although this may sound harsh, you are not the most important person in the world, at least not to everyone. Most of the time, when you think you are being judged, you probably aren't. It's just too hard to judge every single person you meet, analyzing their flaws and imperfections like they're a test you're grading.

Put things into perspective. People who obsess about what other think tend to put ‘issues’ under the microscope and can't see the forest from the trees. People who don't obsess about what other people think tend to look at the big picture. You only get one

Be confident in yourself. What if we could eliminate the amount of times we second-guess ourselves? Well, you can. The trick, if you want to call it that, is to simply be more confident in the decisions and actions you are taking.

Learn to control your emotions. When you start to push your limits and get more confident, you'll undoubtedly have mixed emotions. From stress, worry and fear, to relief and happiness, it can be a bit of a rollercoaster of the mind; that is where controlling your emotions comes in. The simple practice taught by Eckhart Tolle goes a bit like this.

Accept yourself for who you are. Understandably, accepting yourself is not the easiest thing to do. Everyone in the world is filled with some kind of doubt; it's all about how they manage it. Luckily, there are things you can do that will help.